Monday 30 August 2010

"I'm only a man in a silly red sheet..looking for special things inside of me..."

A few months ago, not long after Jeff got home from Iraq, I made this video for him. I wanted him to be able to see himself through another set of eyes and begin to realise all of the special things that we see inside him, the things that make him so very, very special to all us who love him. I chose this song as it is one that Jeff himself identifies with and it somehow gets right to the core of the many parts of him which, when added together make him the man he is.

He often tells me how much he loves this video and how often he watches it, and yesterday he said that he is more than happy for me to post it YouTube and on my Facebook (I would never, ever have contemplated doing so other than at his suggestion). Luckily, YouTube haven't blocked the audio track, which I feared they would, so please enjoy the video that to me begins to explain why my best friend is one of the most unique souls I have ever met and why having him in my life is a blessing each and everyday. He may not actually be a genuine superhero (although I have my suspicions!) but he is my hero nonetheless. He is also, of course, quite mad and there is even a little reference to that in the song...well, let's face it...there's no point in trying to pretend he isn't (but only in a good way...mostly!) :)

(Wouldn't have necessarily chosen this photo as the 'still' but can't see how I could choose another one!!)


  1. Very nicely done! Bravo you!

  2. Thanks Tracey...I don't think I've ever done anything more from my heart :)

  3. Jeff? Mad??? Buahahaha!

    Well okay.... maybe a wee bit... *wink*

  4. I know Jude...who'd 'ave thunk, huh? He hides it sooooo well.. :)
