Tuesday 25 May 2010

Bert and Mary do Peterborough Cathedral...

...six months apart

Last Saturday was the hottest day of the year so far here in England and I decided to go out and spend a few hours taking photos in Peterborough city centre. I took a couple of hundred photos in total, and I will post more of them later, but now I just wanted to post a few alongside some that Jeff took when he was over last November. I found when I got home that a lot of the shots that we took are composed very similarly and they give the perfect opportunity to show you our magnificent Norman cathedral in different lighting conditions and during different seasons. I'm sure that Jeff will be posting many more when he gets to the Peterborough zone of his trip over on his blog but here are just a few by way of a taster, next to my far inferior shots. Thanks for permission to use your pics Bert..I think I'd like to borrow that Nikon lens of yours sometime too if I may pleeease!!

This is round the side of the cathedral, just before the entrance to the cloisters..

Love the detail on this one...

This was so spooky in the dark...I swear we were both expecting Jack the Ripper to come round the corner at any time..

Looking from the cathedral grounds through to the city centre...

My favourite view of the cathedral and one I see everytime I walk from the car park to the city centre..

I do believe that after we took the night time shots that we rushed home for Bert's first taste of fish and chips before dashing off for a stimulation and wonderfully exciting evening at the fire station but I shall leave it to him to tell that tale another time :)


  1. Wonderful pictures all around! Love seeing these wonderful buildings through your point of view =)

  2. Thanks ladies..it is amazing how differently you view familiar places when you see them through 'new' eyes. I have lived alongside this awesome building all my life but when I showed it to Jeff I saw it in a totally different way and it took my breath away. Then last weekend, looking at it through a lens and at different angles changed it for me yet again and it is even more awe inspiring than ever :)

  3. Lovely pics. It's interesting how I look at things so differently now that I have my Nikon. I think about the scenery and set up the shot in my head.
