Monday 25 January 2010

See...they are everywhere..

Just by way of a little P.S. following on from my last post, Jude pointed out a very interesting but rather alarming little anomaly on one of Bert's UK photos . It's from the Derbyshire album and is this picture of him and Scott. Look just above Scott's head...

Oh and regarding my squirrel travelling companion...I shall need a fitting name for him. Any suggestions?

My son read this post and he reminded me of another thing that I had completely forgotten and which has made all of this even weirder:

When Scott and Lara were about 2 years old and 4 years old, we bought them a goldfish each and gave them free choice in naming them. They completely steered clear of all normal 'fishy' names and came up with two entirely original ones (for goldfish!):

Scott - Squirrel
Lara - Pingu       




  1. "Tootles"

    Well *I* thought it a fitting name anyways! ;)

  2. *adjusting halo to cover horns*

    Who me?

  3. *smiling at the still exposed horn tips*

    Eh..yes, that would be you!!

  4. Well sheeeeit, I was going to suggest Frizzo but Tootles sounds darn good.

  5. Yeah but ya see, so does Frizzo..decisions, decisions...

  6. Hm. I just noticed that I have a penguin in my bookcase....


  7. You just noticed? he must have crept in under the cover of darkness or something. Not surprising at being their leader and all, I would expect some covert monitoring of your activities. Does he look like he could kill if you step out of line? Many can...

  8. Kim has penguins all over our house. She loves them. Now I'm beginning to wonder if they have sucked her into their cult. Hmmmmm..

    As for squirrel names I like Cheeky. I think it fits quite well actually. ;)

  9. Lara loves penguins too. Oh and yes of course they have sucked BOTH of them into their cult. There can be no doubting it.

    Uum..Cheeky...not sure. My ex boyfriend Mike used to call me "Cheeks" so I think there may be a little too much association there (Jeff met him..I think he will understand my reluctance..GREAT man and still an awesome friend but I do NOT need to be reminded of our romantic past!!).

  10. Yes definitely wouldn't want the reminder.
